Wednesday, January 21, 2009

visit Tailoring school in the stix

this is going to be short due to superslow connection. we are having an awesome time. my fish farm lady connection susan thompson also has started a tailor school. we went there to day via a INSANE mini bus ride to the boonies[our driver only stopped for pasengers on downslopes so the van would keep running, he was the same tribe of the police, Kukuyo, that do roadchecks for unsafe vehicles so he is able to stay on the road without paying bribes]. beside us were ladies holding live chickens. i was in the front seat and freakin out- i thought new delhi would have seasoned me, nope, i was sure we were going over or committing vehicular homicide several times in a 60 minute ride through country roads lined with sugar cane fields. sweet.

when we got there the meeting started with a prayer and all the parents and kids singing. brought a tear to the eye as each parent and each kid stood to say how much the school meant to them. once again we felt like we were in a movie. we were honoured guests and each asked to speak.

tommorrow we visit the principle of misingu high school hopefully. this is the boarding school where my Rotary club sponsors 8 boys- we pay all their fees as long as they remain top dogs in their class. On friday I tour the fish farms. had a good long talk with the chair of the fish farm association today. talked shop and gave him a copy of world aquaculture mag article that features Kenya.

last night the town of 1 million partied hardy in the name of Obama the great.

we have heard soo many stories but have kept our (and some of your) money in our pocket until we get a good idea where to get the biggest bang for the buck. We will be visiting the Friends orphanage on behalf of Valley View in a few days.

the desk project is going well. we decided to spring a little extra to give each desk a shelf. each desk sits 2 or 3 kids. its amazing to see the little hole in wall that produces them- sans power tools. imaging making 2x4's with a handsaw.

sorry for typos, i'll leave it to Tanya to put together an eloquent description. that girl can type. if anyone has money burning a hole in your pocket let us know and we'll spend it on a good cause for you- there is no shortage and we have several friends here that can assure things stay on track after we leave. just pledge it and we'll get it from you on our return. im more interested in loaning it out than giving it away- so you MIGHT get it back if we can figure out a good system.

Did i ever say I was scared of coming here? pshaw, its freakin fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!.
    Just read all the blogs…Your mom writes very well…I get an incredible sense of your day (events) This trip is turning out to be way more than you expected isn’t it? The story about the school was inspiring to me and you should be so very proud of your Mom and Terry and their club for all the good work they have been doing.

    The lost boys story is a little disturbing but sounds like you just have to be a little more aggressive with them (you and Terry that is) don’t let them touch your Mom (male dominance and all that)

    I understand about the pics with the internet so slow, so no worries if we have to wait until your return. Tell Terry good call on the university guy wanting to take you all home…sounds a little fishy to me as well.

    Man. What an adventure, I am seething with envy and can’t wait for the next story.

    Stay well son and listen to Terry’s gut and keep your Mom safe.

    Love Dad.
