Friday, January 9, 2009

Only 6 more sleeps... even if they are sleepless!

This is my third sleepless night as excitement for the trip builds. Yesterday was rough with a nervous tummy, which lead to much discomfort and time in the bathroom. I hope this is not a premonition of things to come! I waffle between excitement and fear.

Today, though, excitement wins.

Terry and I met with the kids at Valley View Elementary today. I had been speaking on behalf of UNICEF at Valley View for the Trick or Treat for UNICEF campaign in the fall and mentioned that I was going to Kenya with my husband and my son in January. After the presentation, the Vice Principal, Rob Grantham, told me about a club in the school called VVOPA -- Valley View Opposed to Poverty in Africa.

How cool is that? When I was in elementary school, the only clubs I remember were sports clubs and we could sign up to be a crossing guard or an audio visual monitor. That was the extent of my voluntary service... and even then I think I was in it for the ribbon at the end of the year. These kids meet every Tuesday to plan fundraisers to support eleminating poverty. Wow!

So anyway, the really cool part is that Rob was telling me that the club has a goal of raising money for an organization called, "The Friends of Kakamega". For those of you who don't know, WE ARE GOING TO KAKAMEGA! What are the odds? Amazing.

So today, Terry and I met with the kids in the club to have them sign some soccer balls that we are taking with us as gifts to the orphanage ( and other schools that we will visit. We took a picture of the club in front of their school and Terry will go back on Tuesday to pick up letters or cards to take with us for the children there.

Being the personal connection between children here and in Africa is such a gift. I was so lifted after our meeting.

My next stop was to Staples to buy pencils and pens. The store manager was only able to give me a 10% discount, but hey, I'll take what I can get. So I loaded up with about 500 pencils and 160 or so pens to take along to schools with our soccer balls. It's not much, but it will give me something tangible to have in hand so I feel like I'm doing something.

Even with this deep desire to help, I really know that I am the one who is going to be the receiver on this trip. I can already feel it.

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