Saturday, March 7, 2009

We miss you

Today, our last day in Kakamega, has been sweet. We are saying good bye to all our friends. With each good-bye, we are met with "Oh, we will miss you." This even from my boda boda driver this morning whom I hadn't ever previously met!

We are sad that we only yesterday discovered that the "Fresh Juice" stand we have passed by every day is actually FRESH JUICE. We hadn't tried it up until now because we assumed it was sugar water (there is a row of coloured tubes behind the counter that threw us off). Terry, ever the adventurer said yesterday that he was game to try it. So, we have had at least four glasses each every time we have passed it since. You mean I could have been sipping freshly squeezed mango or passion fruit juice instead of Fanta for all this time??? Grrr.

Naturally today was spent discussing and thinking about all the things we could have done differently. Like gotten an internet connection at home so we could have used our locked-in evenings email Canada and the states for more money! That and the fresh juice stand are our biggest regrets. I, of course, also regret that I didn't put more effort in to running. I guess it was the heat and the altitude and the constant attention that turned me off early in the trip. Now, I wish I could have all those mornings back to do over again!

I've noticed that we've been answering people with, "maybe in one year's time," when they ask when we are coming back. Wishful thinking or foresight... I'm not sure.

I often hear people at the end of a holiday say it was wonderful, but I was ready to come home. We are definitely NOT ready to come home yet. It has been so incredible NOT to be wrapped up in the ramblings of my mind for the entire time we've been here. Sure there is the odd shallow self talk, like "hmmm, I've gotten a little pudgy," but for 95% of the time my thoughts have been on how blessed we are to be here and how much work there is to do. Ideas are pouring in for projects, fundraising, a youth leadership conference Alinda and I are wanting to produce here, a women's conference on the island to fundraise for here... etc. etc. My dreams have almost all been of Kenya. I hope Kenya stays alive in my mind when we are back home!

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