Friday, February 13, 2009

Back in Kakamega

A long but easy bus ride has delivered us safely home to Kakamega. The country side was just beautiful and a breath of fresh air after the big stinky city. My mind was filled with pictures of shiny happy little faces and the odd flash of the slums. What a contrast, only it is all happening simultaneously.

Now, off to our familiar haunt, The Tour Africa Cafe for a cup of chai and chapati and veg. Then a quick trip to the market to see our friend and trusted vendor for some pineapples, bananas and mangos and then home for a much needed shower!

Tomorrow I am spending the day with Patricia Crossley (another do-gooder from the island). I will be sitting in on her "Virtues Training" -- can't wait! The training is centered around the idea that we are all born with virtues and how we can bring them out in others.

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